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Setting up UTMs for accurate attribution
Setting up UTMs for accurate attribution

Use the recommended UTMs for accurate attribution data

Updated over a week ago

A tracking parameter is a unique code attached to a URL that monitors the performance of marketing efforts. By leveraging Lifesight's recommended tracking parameters in your Ads Manager and promotional content, visitors offer invaluable feedback to our Lifesight Pixel about the ads they engage with.

To maximize Lifesight's potential, it's vital to implement the correct tracking parameters.

Dynamic values, as described by Facebook, automate the parameter's values based on ad setup and delivery information. Our focus is on tracking parameters coupled with these dynamic values.

To start, simply copy the tracking parameters listed below and integrate them into your Ads Manager.

Facebook Ads

Recommended Tracking Parameters for Facebook


Existing customers familiar with these parameters or those inclined towards traditional UTMs can opt for:


Essential URL Parameters:

Approved source parameters: ls_source={{site_source_name}}, ls_source=facebook, utm_source=facebook, and utm_source={{site_source_name}}.

Approved Ad ID parameters

ls_adid={{}} and ls_adid={{}}.

Where to Input Tracking Parameters:

Within Facebook Ads Manager, under each ad's "Tracking" section, locate the "URL Parameters" text box. Integrate the suggested tracking parameters for every ad you wish to monitor via Lifesight's Pixel. A bulk edit feature is also available.

Note: Editing URL Parameters can place ads in a "processing" phase, which might take up to an hour and temporarily halt your ad expenditure.

Google Ads

By default, Lifesight automatically appends tracking to Google Ads campaigns and ad groups. For manual intervention, follow our comprehensive guide below.


For New Users:


For Existing UTMs:


For Traditional UTMs:


Steps to Input Tracking Parameters on Google Ads:

ACCOUNT SETTINGS: Navigate to "Settings", select "Account settings", and paste the tracking parameters into the "Tracking Template" text field.

CAMPAIGN SETTINGS: Go to "Campaign Settings", select the desired campaigns, choose "Edit", then "Change Tracking Templates", and finally input the tracking parameters.

ADGROUP SETTINGS: From "AdGroups", select the specific AdGroups, click on "Edit", then "Change Tracking Templates", and paste the parameters.

Note: Google's hierarchy for tracking templates is keyword > ad > ad group > campaign > account. Ensure Lifesight's preferred parameters are set if using other tracking solutions.

YouTube Advertisers

For custom tracking with YouTube ads, duplicate the video ad and add our tracking parameters to the destination URL. An example format is:{creative}&ls_campaign={campaignid}

For ClickCease Users:

You can seamlessly integrate ClickCease with Lifesight's parameters. Follow the guidelines confirmed by the ClickCease team:

Ensure ClickCease's HTML code is present on all landing pages.

Use the recommended tracking parameter settings detailed for Google Ads above.

You can automatically implement the campaign and ad group tracking templates via Lifesight's settings page, but the ClickCease final URL suffix field needs manual integration through Google Ads Manager.

By adhering to Lifesight's guidelines, you'll unlock a new dimension of marketing analytics, ensuring that your campaigns are always at the forefront of effectiveness and efficiency.

TikTok Ads



Reminder: Comprehensive attribution results aren't ensured if these parameters aren't applied.

For a more traditional approach, consider UTM Tracking Parameters like:


How to Implement these Parameters on TikTok:

In the ad settings, head over to “Destination page”.

Start with your main URL, for instance, “”.

Then, integrate Lifesight’s tracking parameters to this URL's end.

Important: Avoid the Tracking section.

Your outcome should resemble:

Twitter Ads

Using lifesight's tracking parameters in twitter:


Reminder: Without the tracking parameters, accurate attribution results aren't guaranteed.

Instructions for Applying these Parameters on Twitter:

Create your campaign and ad group but avoid publishing.

In the Twitter ads manager, locate your drafted ad group. Find the 'Ad Group ID', an essential detail for our tracking parameters.

Insert the ad group ID into the parameter: ?utm_source=twitter&utm_term=12345678.

In your draft tweet, attach the tracking parameter to the destination URL's end.

Once all set, release your tweet.

Want to level up your Twitter ad attributions with Lifesight?

Consider Lifesight's exclusive Post-Purchase Survey tool. It engages every customer, probing about their buying motivations. Enhance your Twitter attribution data by incorporating "Twitter" as a possible response.


To get the best from the mapping feature, ensure Twitter integration and at least one tracked session. Integrate Twitter, set up the Lifesight Pixel, and after a day, establish your post-purchase survey. This ensures proper tracking of sessions and visitors.

Bing Ads / Microsoft Ads




In the "Settings" panel, head to Account-level options.

If your Tracking Template is empty, input our provided string.

If you're tracking with Google Analytics UTMs, just append our parameters.

Save the changes.

If migrating ads from Google to Bing, follow these guidelines.

Snapchat Ads:



How to Use Lifesight's UTMs on Snapchat:

In the ad settings, go to “Design Your Web Site Ad”.

Integrate your main URL, like “”.

Finally, attach Lifesight’s tracking parameters.

Pinterest Ads:



Implementing these Parameters on Pinterest:

Update the Destination URL under “Fill out ad details”.

Merge Lifesight’s tracking parameters to the URL's end.

Lifesight Tracking on Klaviyo:

Lifesight’s UTM setup on Klaviyo varies but remains straightforward.

Head to Klaviyo's UTM tracking settings. Here, you can establish account-wide UTM parameters for all campaigns & flows. Make the required updates and ensure all campaigns and flows include Lifesight's tracking parameters.

Note: Lifesight’s default attribution span is 28 days, while Klaviyo’s is 5 days. Given the distinct models, revenue reports from Lifesight and Klaviyo might vary.

Tracking Non-Integrated Sources with Lifesight:

While we may not directly integrate with every platform, Lifesight can still track these through UTMs.

For non-integrated sources like Criteo, Adroll, or Taboola, just add three simple tracking parameters.

When Lifesight tracks a visitor from an unsupported platform and your URLs have the aforementioned tracking parameters, the source name will be displayed with its corresponding campaign, adset, and ad.

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