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Profile Report

Shopify's Profiles report allows you to view real-time data on customer demographics, contribution to your store, and more.

Updated over a week ago

Get real-time reports on all the customer profiles you have on Shopify. With Profiles, you can view how your customers are contributing to your store, their demographics, and more.

Where to find Profiles Report?

To access this report, navigate to Dashboard on the left sidebar under Analytics. Then click on Profiles in the top right corner under Dashboard.

Metrics you can view under Profiles

  1. Total Contacts - Count of store visitors with at least one identifier

  2. Total Customers - Count of contacts with at least one order

  3. Average Revenue per Customer - Average revenue generated per customer

  4. Average Time between Orders - Average time (in days) between two consecutive orders placed

  5. Lifetime Value - Average revenue expected to be generated from a customer during their lifetime

  6. Total Customers

    1. One-time customers - Count of customers who placed their first order in the selected timeframe

    2. Repeat customers - Count of customers who placed two or more orders in the selected timeframe

  7. Repurchase Rate - Percentage of customers who placed two or more orders in the selected timeframe

  8. Customer Retention Rate - Percentage of pre-existing customers who placed an order in the selected timeframe

  9. Distribution of metrics across - New/Returning customer - Number of Customers, Average Order Value, Total Sales, Orders, Ordered Products for New vs Returning customers

  10. Customers by Orders - Number of Customers who placed a given number of orders

  11. Customers by Locations - Distribution of Customers by their geographical location

  12. Profile Status - Distribution of Profiles across Anonymous Profiles and Contacts

    1. Anonymous Profiles - Without any identifier such as email address or phone number

    2. Contacts - With at least one identifier, email address or phone number

  13. Subscription Status by Channel - Distribution of Contacts across communication channels, i.e. Email and SMS

The time period over which the reports can be viewed

The reports can be viewed over a period of 7 days, 30 days, 12 months, and all time.

In case you have any further queries, feel free to write to us at [email protected] and we’ll respond at the earliest.

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