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Channel Reports
Updated over a week ago

The Overview Dashboard provides a quick summary of your ad performance across multiple channel. It encompasses both revenue and non-revenue metrics that are fundamental to your business operations.

How to Build a Dashboard

  • In your Lifesight account, navigate to Attribution and Overview Tab

  • Upon accessing the Overview dashboard, ensure that your filters are correctly adjusted to reflect the appropriate time frame, attribution model, and attribution window.

Attribution Period

The date selection tool offers predefined time periods and the flexibility to define a custom period. Select the desired timeframe for data display. By default, the data is showcased for the previous seven days. Utilize the calendar to establish your preferred timeframe.

Attribution Model

This filter allows you to specify the type of attribution data you wish to view. Dig deep into different attribution models here.

Attribution Window

An attribution window is the number of days between when a person viewed or clicked your ad and subsequently took action.

Attribution method

We measure ad actions based on clicks and views your ad:

  • Click-through attribution: A person clicked your ad and took an action.

  • View-through attribution: A person saw your ad, didn't click it, but took an action within the attribution window.

Metric - -The Overview dashboard displays the metrics you select by aggregating the touchpoint data, cost data, and event data from various sources.

Below are the metrics available on the Channels dashboard.

Revenue KPIs

  • Attributed Revenue

  • ROAS

  • AOV

  • Ad CAC

  • Ad Spend

  • NC Revenue


  • NC AOV

  • Ad NCAC

Non-revenue KPIs

  • Visits

  • Impressions

  • CPA (Visits)

  • CPA (Add to Carts)

  • CPA (Form Submits)

  • CPA (Signups)

For the detailed definitions of the available metrics, refer to the Report Metric user guide.

Channel Breakdown

The Channel Breakdown chart provides a comprehensive view of ad channel performance at a granular level, allowing for drill-down analysis into smaller, more specific subsets.

This detailed look enables you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your various channels and ad campaigns, making it easier to pinpoint winners and losers.

Breakdown Levels

The channel performance is analyzed across the following levels:

  • Channel

  • Campaign

  • Objectives

  • Ad Groups

  • Ads

Metrics Categories

Performance metrics are organized into the following categories:

  • Engagement

    • Clicks

    • Impressions

  • Conversions

    • Visits

    • CPA(Visits)

    • Signups

    • CPA( Signups)

    • Form Submits

    • CPA (Form Submits)

    • Add to Carts

    • CPA (Add to Carts)

  • Purchases

    • Purchases

    • New Purchases

    • CAC

    • NCAC

  • Time to Convert

    • Conversion rate

    • Average

    • 25th Percentile

    • 50th Percentile

    • 75th Percentile

  • Revenue

    • AOV

    • Channel Revenue

    • Lifesight Revenue (As captured by pixel + attribution methodology selected in the filters)

    • Channel vs Lifesight

    • Lifesight New revenue

  • ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)

    • Channel ROAS

    • Lifesight ROAS (As captured by pixel + attribution methodology selected in the filters)

    • Lifesight NC ROAS (As captured by pixel + attribution methodology selected in the filters)

  • Platform

    • Spend

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