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Integrating with Okendo

Leverage user-generated content to establish trust and unlock the full potential of customer lifetime value with Okendo.

Updated over a week ago

About Okendo

Okendo is a platform for customer marketing specifically created to aid Shopify brands in achieving faster and more effective growth by fostering more robust customer relationships. It enables brands to gather impactful content directly from shoppers, such as product ratings and reviews, customer-generated photos and videos, and inquiries.

With Okendo's analytics and insights, brands can better understand customer preferences and behaviors, ultimately leading to more personalized customer experiences.

Benefits of integrating Okendo

The integration enables the seamless transfer of review data from Okendo to Lifesight, allowing for a comprehensive view of customer sentiment and feedback

By leveraging this data, companies can enhance their customer segmentation capabilities, enabling targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. Additionally, the integration allows for the creation of flows based on review events, such as sending follow-up emails to customers who have left positive reviews or addressing concerns of dissatisfied customers promptly.

The Okendo-Lifesight integration enhances the overall customer experience, enabling businesses to build stronger relationships, improve brand reputation, and drive customer loyalty.

Getting started with Okendo on your workspace

Requirements to integrate Okendo with Lifesight.

Access to the Okendo integration with Lifesight requires a subscription to the advanced plan.

Integrating an Okendo Account

  1. Begin by accessing Lifesight and logging into your account using your credentials.

  2. Navigate to the Integrations tab, which can be found in the left-hand menu bar.

  3. Hereon, click on the tab titled "Apps".

  4. In the search field, type in "Okendo" to locate the integration for this application.

  5. Click on the "Integrate" button to begin the integration process.

  6. Alternatively, you may choose to directly add the Okendo integration by selecting the "Add integration" button and then choosing Okendo from the list of available options.

  7. Then, proceed to your Okendo account. Navigate to the Integrations page on the Okendo App (Settings > Integrations):

Attributes you can use on integrating Okendo

With Lifesight, you can generate personalized workflows by leveraging the events activated by Okendo. Users can employ the provided attributes to create segments and establish flows -

  1. Review Created - Identify users based on if and when they have created a review on a store. Identify further conditionals using the below attributes:

    1. Product Name - Name of the product that has been reviewed

    2. Review Created Time - The time at which the review was created

    3. Review Status - Creates segments based on the status of the review as applied by the store owner

    4. Review Score - The score given in the review

    5. Review created by verified buyer - Identifier for reviews submitted by customers who’ve bought the reviewed product in the same store

    6. Review Sentiment - The sentiment of the last review left by the customer

    7. Review Contains Profanity - An identifier for the segment of customers whose reviews contain profanity.

    8. Recommended Review - An identifier for a customer segment who has recommended the product in their reviews.

    9. Phone Number - Creates segment based on customers' phone numbers

    10. Email Address - Creates segment based on customers' email domain

  2. Updated Review - Identify users based on if and when they have updated a review on a store. Identify further conditionals using the below attributes:

    1. Product Name - Name of the product that has been reviewed

    2. Review Updated Time- The time at which the review was updated

    3. Review Status - Creates segments based on the status of the review as applied by the store owner

    4. Review Score - The score given in the review

    5. Review updated by verified buyer - Identifier for reviews submitted by customers who’ve bought the reviewed product in the same store

    6. Review Sentiment - The sentiment of the last review left by the customer

    7. Review Contains Profanity - An identifier for a segment of customers whose reviews contain profanity.

    8. Recommended Review - An identifier for a customer segment who has recommended the product in their reviews.

    9. Phone Number - Creates segment based on customers' Phone Numbers

    10. Email Address - Creates segment based on customers' Email domain

Applications of these attributes

The above attributes help create suitable segments. For example, if you’re looking to identify the people who have reviewed a specific product and send them a campaign regarding the launch of a similar product, you may select the segment filter as ‘Created Review’ > Where > Product Name > is > [mention product name here]

They also serve as flow triggers which can initiate a flow or trigger a new branch in a flow.

In case you have any further queries, feel free to write to us at [email protected] and we’ll respond at the earliest.

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