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Using Merge Tags to customize your messages

Personalize your messages using your customer's details via Merge Tags

Updated over a week ago

Personalizing your messages is a key element in making your readers feel like they’re having a one-to-one conversation with your brand. Give them an in-store experience using Merge Tags.

Merge tags are a set of values that pick up key identifiers and values associated with your customers and their orders on your tore. Merge tags provide an easy method to set up messaging elements such as ‘First Name’, ‘Store details’, and more, dynamically in your messages. The best part? All these values are picked on the basis of the customers' last interaction/most recent interaction with your brand. Merge tags work commonly across email and SMS messages. You can also set up certain custom merge tags to easily use at your convenience.

Your messages can now be timeless, templates communication machinery which you can run on auto-pilot (though we recommend checking your messages at least once every 3 months to ensure consistency in tone and voice).

If you’re looking for the list of merge tags that are available to you on Engage, our list of pre-built merge tags should help.

List of Pre-built Merge Tags

Profile Merge Tags

First Name - {{ customer_first_name }}

Last Name - {{ customer_last_name }}

Middle Name - {{ customer_middle_name }}

Address Line 1 - {{ default_address1 }}

Address Line 2 - {{ default_address2 }}

City - {{ default_city }}

State - {{ default_province }}

Country - {{ default_country }}

Postcode - {{ default_zip }}

Store Merge Tags

Company Address - {{ company_address }}

Company Logo - {{ logo }}

Company Name - {{ company_name }}

Facebook - {{ facebook }}

Instagram - {{ instagram }}1

LinkedIn - {{ linkedin }}

Twitter - {{ twitter }}

Unable to find the Merge tag you need? Our article on creating custom merge tags might help you. If you have any further queries, please write to us at [email protected] and we'll get back to you at the earliest.

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